Sources for the NPA-NXX of a Telephone Number's LRN
When Local Number Portability (LNP) was mandated in the United States, the Location Routing Number (LRN) was introduced to support call routing. The LRN is a unique 10-digit number that serves as the network address and includes the area code (NPA) and central office code (NXX) for a telephone number. While NPAC User Data is restricted* to authorized NPAC users only, the NPA-NXX associated with an LRN is available to non NPAC users for the purposes of Rating, Routing, Billing and Network Maintenance use only.
The following list of companies are willing to provide this information to non NPAC users:

Gorham Telephone Company, Inc.
Attn: Number Information
Phone: 785-637-5300
Those companies interested in providing LRN's NPA-NXX data to non-users can contact lnpa-acct-mgmt@iconectiv.numberportability.com to have their contact information added to this list.
*NPAC Data and data derived from User Data is confidential information and is restricted in use as defined by the Master Services Agreement for Number Portability Administration Center/Service Management System) between iconectiv and the North American Portability Management LLC (NAPM).