Top Three Things to Know about the LNPA Transition
One: Does everyone have to register for the iconectiv NPAC?
Yes, everyone must register, even those who only use the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) occasionally or work through a third party to do porting or to access NPAC data. By registering, users will ensure that their Service Provider ID(s) continue to be operational in the new iconectiv NPAC post transition. It is also an opportunity for users to update their company’s contact information and other data. Registration is currently open for all Service Providers, Service Bureaus, and Providers of Telecom-Related Services (PTRS). These users are encouraged to register as soon as possible in order to start the transition process. Any user with a mechanized Service Order Activation (SOA) and/or Local Service Management System (LSMS) interface to the NPAC must be registered by April 2017 in order to participate in required testing. For updates, assistance, or to access the registration materials, please visit the NPAC transition website:
Two: How will testing work for the iconectiv NPAC?
All mechanized users with a dedicated connection (SOA and/or LSMS) must complete the required suite of Industry Regression Test Cases applicable to them. This testing is being scheduled now and will take place in mid-2017. Testing is optional for Low-Tech Interface (LTI) users, or users who employ a Service Bureau to manage their porting or contact the help desk directly. Testing for these users will take place later in 2017. iconectiv will conduct a webinar in Q1 2017 that will focus on the plans for testing. The webinar is intended for mechanized users; however, all interested NPAC users are welcome to join. The webcast will focus on the process for scheduling testing, connecting to the iconectiv testbed, and instructions on how to perform the suite of industry test cases applicable to a user’s organization. Once it becomes available, the testing and training schedule will be emailed to registered users and posted on the NPAC transition website:
Three: How will iconectiv support LTI Graphic User Interface (GUI) users?
The iconectiv web-based LTI GUI will provide the same functionality as the current LTI GUI. iconectiv will offer training for LTI GUI users beginning in the spring of 2017. LTI GUI users who have not yet registered for the iconectiv NPAC are encouraged to do so at their earliest convenience to ensure that they will be able to participate in the training and optional testing. Registration materials can be accessed at the NPAC transition website:
NPAC users who have questions about the transition process can review the frequently asked questions on the NPAC transition website,, can contact the Help Desk at 844-820-8039, Monday through Friday between 8am and 8pm ET, or email