NPAC User Data is restricted to qualified entities for specific permitted uses. Companies can register for multiple services and each has its own registration process. Understanding eligibility requirements and the data elements provided by each service can help streamline the registration process. Use the Data Select Tool to find the service{s) you need and be guided through the registration process for each. For more information about each service, visit the Services Overview page.
Not sure which service you need?
Select the function(s) of your organization or your role to see the right solution(s) for you:
Services you need:
The U.S. Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) is the authoritative source for phone number porting information for all Service Providers in the United States, including wireline, wireless and Voice over Internet Protocol (VolP) providers and Providers of Telecommunication Related Services that rate, route, or bill calls and messages or maintain network database on behalf of Service Providers.
PortData Comply
Does your business have to comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and wireless “do not call” laws that prohibit the use of auto dialers and pre-recorded voice messages? PortData Comply is the country’s only authoritative source of the data needed to verify if a telephone number has been ported between wireless and wireline.
PortData Validate
If you are in the fraud mitigation and risk assessment business, you can’t afford to rely on old data to make new decisions. PortData Validate lets you know if your customer recently switched service Providers, which is a critical indicator to consider before you approve a financial transaction or release private information.
Please note:
- Registering for the incorrect service will delay the approval process, and in most cases will prompt users to start the registration process over.
- Businesses and organizations can register for one or more solutions in order to meet their unique requirements.
- NPAC User Data is restricted and made available to qualified entities only for permitted uses. For more information, visit the NPAC Permitted Use page.