August 10, 1999 Meeting Minutes
Cathy White | SBC Wireless | ||
Linda Godfrey | Airtouch | Lori Hughes | Sprint PCS |
Jim Grasser | Ameritech Cellular | Dan Ganos | WinStar |
Anne Cummins | AT&T Wireless | Tommy Thompson | U S WEST |
Khai Nguyen | Bell Mobility | Cathie Capita | Voicestream |
Anna Miller | BellSouth Cellular | Dunice Harrell | BellSouth Cellular |
Gary Schwaigen | Bellsouth Science & Technology | Marian Hearn | Canadian LNP Consortium |
Ron Stuthert | Evolving Systems Inc. | Marcel Champagne | Lockheed Martin |
Mike Panis | Evolving Systems, Inc. | ||
Maggie Lee | Illuminet | Steve Addicks | MCI WorldCom |
Inter-carrier Communications NAG Subcommittee Update
The next conference call is scheduled for 8/16/99 11 AM PDT. Call Tracy Frank at 409-696-9693 to participate. A face to face meeting is scheduled for Aug 25 and 26 in Chicago. This subgroup is on schedule. The initial technical paper and recommendation will be issued at year-end for service provider and vendor review and comment during January and February, 2000. The final document and recommendation will be complete by 3/31/00. It is important for the WNPSC to monitor this work since it is in the critical path to WNP launch. Test cases have to be built once the method and interfaces are determined. Consequently, this work feeds into the Testing Subcommittee. The inter-carrier communication recommendations must be integrated into carriers internal business and technical designs. The business and technical designs then must be completed and tested prior to commencing the inter-carrier testing.
Testing subgroup
The test plan will be completed by 6/30/00. Wireless carriers will have third and fourth quarter 2000 to determine how the inter-carrier testing will be done. The National Operations Team sent a document to the NIIF outlining how new entrants would need to test. NIFF accepted it as an issue.
ACTION ITEM: The WNPSC will distribute a copy of NIIF issue to the WNPSC members. The WNPSC will review and discuss it at the next meeting to determine how wireless carriers would contribute to the issue. Maggie will e-mail the document to Anna for distribution.
Reseller Issue
WNPSC has not received any contributions regarding the reseller the option for direct interface to the NPAC. The assumption is that status quo is the preferred solution. Status quo is the method used today where resellers do not have direct interface to the NPAC. Unless a contribution supporting this option is submitted at the September meeting, this issue will be closed. This deadline will give the WNPSC time to work the issue should contributions be submitted. This would allow adequate time to work on a consensus decision, and then incorporate that process into the Inter-carrier Communication process recommendation under CTIA. The September sunset date is necessary in order to give the Inter-carrier Communications subcommittee time to meet their critical Dec. date for the initial report. It will also allow enough time for the Testing Subcommittee to include testing scenarios that include the reseller option.
Roaming Issue with Canada
Any service dependent upon ANI and CLID is impacted if a Canadian wireless carrier chooses not to separate the MIN/MDN. The group discussed whether or not this was a business issue or an industry issue. It was agreed that this is a business issue because the fundamental problems with roaming breaking, lacking MIN/MDN separation, have already been identified in CTIAs WNP Report. The industry realizes that the problems (if your Canadian roaming partner has not separated the MIN/MDN) will not be readily apparent because registration and call completion will continue to work. Problems will show up in billing. Thus, no further discussion is warranted on this issue, pending review of standards addressing billing and potential fraud issues.
Test Plan Subcommittee
The subcommittee decided to focus on the test scenarios and test cases and separate the work to develop a report on recommendations for test coordination. As a result of this discussion, the members reached consensus to create a second report on test coordination. The group discussed wireline participation in the testing, and how to best communicate with the regional operations teams regarding inter-carrier testing.
The wireline carriers used a dedicated resource designated as the test coordinator (usually provided by the ILEC). Wireless carriers will have to determine how best to fill this role. Agreement was reached that the largest area in which testing would be coordinated was at the regional level. Members envision a regional test coordinator for each region working with the local test coordinators. Each local test coordinator would interact with the regional test coordinator and with the local service provider testing teams.
Regional LNP Operations Team participation
ACTION ITEM: The WNPSC will send liaison letters to the regional operations teams to inform them of this subcommittees work and to ask for participation in development of the test plan. The updated timeline will be included with the letter. Members of the WNPSC who participate at the Regional Operation Team meetings will discuss this letter at upcoming regional meetings. The intent is for the Regional Operations teams to organize the inter-carrier test coordination process during the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2000. Then all wireless service providers need to participate in the Regional Operations team meetings in 2001 to determine the logistics of inter-carrier test coordination, both regionally and nationally.
Standards Letter
The target date for Standards presentations is the October meeting.
Included in the request is information on standards regarding billing and fraud.
New Business
Next month nominations for WNPSC co-chair will be taken.
CPP and Pre-pay in NP Environment
These services were addressed in CTIA Report on Wireless Number Portability, version 2.0, dated 7/7/98. The results of the NPRM on CPP should be monitored to determine any impacts on LNP.
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