WTSC Agenda

Face to Face meeting

December 4-5, 2001

San Diego, CA



Telcordia Technologies

Paul Warga          

E-mail:                    pwarga@telcordia.com



Marriott La Jolla Hotel

4240 La Jolla Village Drive

La Jolla, California 92037


Tuesday, December 6

1-5 PM (Pacific Time)


1:00 PM – 2:00 PM                                                         

Logistics – Mark Wood                                                                    

Introductions – Mark and Jennifer; Charlie Case (ALLTEL); Joe Charles (Cingular Wireless); Rebecca Tyus (Cingular Wireless); Gerry Scillitani (NEXTEL); Viresh Gulati (TeleCorp PCS); Ron Whitson (Sprint); Stphen Byone (WorldCom); John Hicks (Telcordia); Julio Bayona (AT&T Wireless); Chris Utsler (Williams Communications), Maggie Lee.

Phone: Chuck Dodsley (Verizon), Bob Jones (US Cellualr), Frank Reed (Voicestream); Rafael Beltran del Rio (ESI); Marlene (US Cellular), Julie Groenen (Verizon)


Agenda review – Mark Wood

News to date/other industry meetings, Upcoming meeting info - No conference call in December, next meeting will be in Orlando.

Jennifer and Mark will be speaking to the LNPA working group on Wednesday.  We will review the test dates with the wireline carriers.

February in Las Vegas, book travel as soon as possible.

CTIA critical issues forum in San Francisco in January, will be covering LNP, Pooling, etc

WNPO met last week (November 26) Bona Fide request forms, letter to the FCC documenting the risks for Wireless LNP.  Action Item to send a letter to LLC

q       Where can we find the requirements for a Bona Fide Request – Charlie Case – Mark Wood to send out doc


Number Pooling still working on paper pooling, they are trying to get caught up.

NENA still meeting next week



2:00 – 3:00 PM                                                                

Review test plan

                911 test cases

                Cause code 26

                Foreign MINs

This needs to be worded for wireless use  - Cause Code Value 26                Ported Number to Ported Number (Direct Trunk)


Test Description:


This will test that Cause Code Value 26 will be sent back appropriately on a call from a ported number to a ported number.


Test Procedure:

·         From a ported number

·         Call a ported number

·         Terminating LSP identifies own LRN, but does not find ported number on switch

·         Document Test Results, including time required for all transitional steps


Test Results:

·         Originating LSP routes call to destinations LSP

·         Originating LSP performs LRN database dip

·         Originating LSP sends JIP

·         Originating LSP ISUP IAM contains LRN in CdPN parameter, ported destination number in GAP, bit M of FCI set, JIP

·         Terminating LSP recognizes LRN as its own, but does not find ported destination number on switch

·         Terminating LSP releases call with Cause Code 26 and sends Release message back to originating LSP                Ported Number to Ported Number (Via Access Tandem)



Test Description:


This will test that Cause Code Value 26 will be sent back appropriately on a call from a ported number to a ported number.


Test Procedure:

·         From a ported number

·         Call a ported number

·         Terminating LSP identifies own LRN, but does not find ported number on switch

·         Document Test Results, including time required for all transitional steps


Test Results:

·         Originating LSP routes call to access tandem

·         Originating LSP performs LRN database dip

·         Originating LSP sends JIP

·         Originating LSP ISUP IAM contains LRN in CdPN parameter, ported destination number in GAP, bit M of FCI set, JIP

·         ISUP message is not the LRN of AT, AT forwards call to destination

·         Terminating LSP recognizes LRN as its own, but does not find ported destination number on switch

·         Terminating LSP releases call with Cause Code 26 and sends Release message back to originating LSP                Ported to Ported Number (Via Toll Carrier)


Test Description:


This will test that Cause Code Value 26 will be sent back appropriately on a call from a ported number to a ported number.


Test Procedure:

·         From a ported number

·         Call a ported number

·         Terminating LSP identifies own LRN, but does not find ported number on switch

·         Document Test Results, including time required for all transitional steps


Test Results:

·         Originating LSP routes call to toll carrier

·         Originating LSP does not performs LRN database dip

·         Originating LSP sends JIP

·         Originating LSP ISUP IAM contains ported number in CdPN parameter, no GAP, bit M of FCI not set, JIP

·         Toll carrier performs LRN dip

·         Toll carrier ISUP IAM contains LRN in CdPN parameter, ported number in GAP, bit M of FCI set, JIP

·         Terminating LSP releases call with Cause Code 26 and sends Release message back to originating LSP


q       Charlie Case wants to know where the SBC pooling case originated.

q       Need more information.  Most providers troubleshoot off of cost code 26, troubleshooting pooling problems – Jennifer and Mark need to drive in to the WNPO


911 test cases we will review tomorrow, need to get the transparencies


q       Ron Whitson to send the switch test case – beneficial to small carriers


3:00 PM – 3:30 PM                                                         

Review Action Items

WNPO is tracking the cause code, Charlie Case states it is mostly a wireline issue.


3:30 PM – 5:00 PM                                                         

Review inter-carrier test dates

q       Stephen, what if the NPAC does not upgrade to the 3.1.  We will test out on 2.0? yes

q       Who will be ready to test to these dates, push back from all carriers that dates in the draft are not actuals, no way they can be met

q       What if 3.1 doesn’t release, pooling in jeopardy also


q       Document our concerns, we have these dates, what happens when we don’t meet them submit to the WNPO


Test Region and dates discussion


q       Action item for all carriers to send dates and markets to Jennifer and Mark for January meeting

q       Jennifer and Mark will pull the data together in a matrix and post on the website


Wednesday, November 7

8:30 AM – 12:00 PM (Pacific Time)


8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

911 test cases

Test case from NENA

Not just 911, open to all law enforcement

q       Can we ask Neustar, if everyone in the nation has to do this…  clarification on what’s needed what should be done

Not sure about the PSAP piece


Review inter-carrier test guidelines

-          Discussion on network topology


One step, is for each company to layout their internal topology.  Concerns about the proprietary nature of the network elements

One reason, can we really test?  If we are not viewing these Tandems.

Concerns about the switch layout for carriers

Need to sit down and review test cases with test partner, figure what can be done out of the 96 test cases.

q       Action Item for Ron to send the Chicago test matrix with 7 carriers


10:00 AM – 11:00 AM                                                             

Pooling contingency plan – test dates                          

Call completion should still be the same

Test cases should be about call completion

Call to a pooled block, non pooled block number


11:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Review ICP testing

Transport layer, frame relay cloud


11:30 AM – 12:00 PM                                                             

Open forum

Dates discussion – what can we give back to Jim Grasser.  Not the region scheduled we have proposed.

q       Pooling test plan for next year

q       Ron Whitson, recommendation that we do the appendix work in the test plan.  Break down now in preparation

q       Should we be reviewing the WNPO action/open items

Wrap up/summary of new items 

Bob Jones from US Cellular is adding the following conversation from the Atlanta meeting:

I'd like to make the following

"minority opinion" a matter of record. 


At the subject meeting, Neustar stated that it would disconnect carriers who


do not undergo revision testing as the NPAC moves from one software release

to another.  When I asked about carriers who might not have a "lab" system

with which to perform such testing, Neustar's answer (echoed by Illuminet)

was that they'd disconnect that carrier from its network.



Review next meeting dates