September 14, 1999 Meeting Minutes


Linda Godfrey Airtouch Mark Wood SBC Cellular
Jim Grasser Ameritech Cellular Cathy Handley  
Anne Cummins AT&T Wireless    
Anna Miller BellSouth Cellular    

Wireless Support

There was concern regarding lack of wireless participation. Despite requests to CTIA and PCIA to notify members, letters were never issued. Only USTA and OPASTCO followed through on their offer to notify members of the activities of the WNPSC.


In order to promote participation at the October meeting and Standards overview, Anne Cummins will request that CTIA notify its membership of the meeting. Anna also requested that the LNPAW not schedule the Slow Horse committee at the same time as WNPSC, since wireless providers need to participate in those discussions.

The following representatives will be giving presentations at the October meeting:

T1S1.6 - Brain Foster

TR 45.2 – Syed Niaz

T1P1.5 - Amar Deol

Each representative will present an overview of their committee’s mission and scope, published standards, and work plan. T1S1.6 may need to have their scope expanded to include wireless carriers and wireless impacts such as E911.

Other areas of interest include Short Messaging service, Operator Services, Billing standards and future services, i.e. wireless intelligent network based services. Once there is a common understanding of the standards, a gap analysis needs to be done to identify addition standards required for wireless LNP implementation.

There was also discussion the need for a wireless LNP report which would document agreements of the WNPSC regarding wireless guideline to LNP implementation. For example, documentation of the wireless intercarrier communication processes and test plan.


Anne and Anna will draft a report outline for WNPSC consideration.

Reseller Issue

WNPSC has not received any contributions regarding the reseller the option for direct interface to the NPAC. The assumption is that status quo is the preferred solution. Status quo is the method used today where resellers do not have direct interface to the NPAC. Unless a contribution supporting this option is submitted at the September meeting, this issue will be closed.


No contributions were received in support of the option of having a reseller directly interface with the NPAC. Thus, there will be no change to existing procedures. For an indirect option, individual wireless carriers can setup their own interface agreements.


For informational purposes, NIIF Issue 0130 on new entrant LNP testing and associated guidelines was reviewed. It was also noted that there is an Issue #24 on LNP interconnection.


The WNPSC will monitor these issues and associated guidelines and provide contributions to the committee as needed to appropriately incorporate agreed upon wireless portability processes and procedures.

Co-Chair Elections

Anne Cummins volunteered to co chair the WNPSC with the caveats that Anna Miller will be committed until June of 2000 and will be responsible for the NANC reports. Anne was nominated and elected as co chair.


Anna will request NANC approval of Anne Cummins as the new WNPSC co chair.

Directory Listing

A directory listing issue will be submitted by J.Grasser at next month OBF meeting in November.

To maintain a DL you will need to have a address, or a name as is the case on the west coast. Directory assistance is removed within 48 hours from a disconnect will make it more important to preserve directory listings. If a customer ports from a wireline service provider to a wireless service provider will the 7 different versions of directory listing options need to be preserved?

Open issues:

OCN will be required by all companies. Long distance resale information, Portability, international telephone will be added.

LIDB Line information db will contain the10 digit telephone #, OCN of account owner and the switch owner, type of company the RAO (revenue accounting office). The RAO is not something that stored by the wireless carriers but may in the future. Country code, (which may be more than what the NANC recommends). The effective start and end dates for data elements…..

Supports billing and messaging processing.


Jim will update the WNPSC on OBF Directory Listing status.

Test Plan Subcommittee

The subcommittee decided to focus on the test scenarios and test cases and separate the work to develop a report on recommendations for test coordination. As a result of this discussion, the members reached consensus to create a second report on test coordination. The group discussed wireline participation in the testing, and how to best communicate with the regional operations teams regarding inter-carrier testing.

The wireline carriers used a dedicated resource designated as the test coordinator (usually provided by the ILEC). Wireless carriers will have to determine how best to fill this role. Agreement was reached that the largest area in which testing would be coordinated was at the regional level. Members envision a regional test coordinator for each region working with the local test coordinators. Each local test coordinator would interact with the regional test coordinator and with the local service provider testing teams.

Regional LNP Operations Team participation

A liaison letter was drafted to be sent to each of the Regional Operations Team with an update to the Wireless Number Portability Timeline identifying time frames for intercarrier test organization and logistics coordination. The following are the WNSC representatives that participate in the various Regional Operation Team meetings:

West Coast, South West and West Region - West Coast - Anne Cummins, Linda Godfrey

Midwest - Jim Grasser

North East , Mid Atlantic South East - Anna Miller, Dunice Harrell, Jerry Hill

Anne is on the agenda for the West Coast meeting next week. In October, Linda will attend. Dave LeDuc is the Chairperson and should be included on the Test Team distribution.. The start and end dates should be forwarded to the Regional Operations team meeting. All administrative information should be determined and forwarded to the Regional Ops team.


Representatives will present the update Timeline at each of the regions.

Cross Regional LNP Operations Team

An association failure form is available from the NPAC. There is a task force that is looking at some of the problems. The fix is in 2.0 and there is also a patch available for those that still have 1.4. There are requirements for down time of the LSMS which is being determined by the Slow Horse committee.

New Business

GTE contribution with concerns about E911 and slamming from a wireless prepay position. Anna Miller will try to get a copy and distribute to the WNPSC. Review and address wireless specific issues.

Action Item

Develop a Wireless LNP Report outline. Anna, Anne, Jim

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Last modified: January 20, 2000