Minutes from WNPSC 10/9/00- 10/10/00 Meeting
Anne Cummins ~ AT&T Wireless
Anna Miller - Bellsouth Cellular
Brian Egbert - Sprint PCS
Richard Bell - GTE
Jim Grasser Ameritech Cellular
Nick Gassaway - Voice Stream
Jim Alton - SBC Wireline
Paul Gerth - AT&T Wireless Services
Jean Anthony - Telecom Software
Marcel Champagne - New Star
Lana Swalls - Williams Communication
Rick Jone - NENA
Dominic Choi - AT&T Wireless Services
Therese Mooney - Global Crossing
Sherrian Lively - Tri Vergent
Stephen Addicks - World Com
Maggie Lee - Illuminet
Noreen McElhone - Nextel
1.) Introduction and agenda approval
Added two items under new business. Added a discussion on Extended Business Hours at the NPAC and a discussion on NANC Change Orders.
2.) Test Plan Presentation -
ACTION ITEM: Include something in the scope addressing porting and non-porting carriers pointing out that both may want to do some at least some subset of the testing in order to be sure that roaming works correctly.
ACTION ITEM: Include statement about notifying third party SS7 service providers or third party operator service providers that testing will be taking place.
ACTION ITEM: To remove under 2.2 second par. "will" and in its place use different words that are not so absolute.
ACTION ITEM: Clarify language under section 3.4 "Basic Porting Processes Wireless and Wireline that states porting within rate centers as it is a restriction for the wireline carrier. The rate center of the wireless number must be the same as where the customer's install address is for the wireline carrier.
ACTION ITEM: Provide a list of related document that carriers should read before beginning testing.
ACTION ITEM: Should Paul attend next NNPO meeting. Anna will talk to Dave about getting a slot on the November Agenda and let Paul know.
Paul will present section 1 through 3 to the LNPAWG tomorrow and ask for more time on the November agenda for full discussion.
3.) Wireless Pooling Alternative Presentation
Reviewed July 1999 presentation for October NANC meeting. Anna will present this presentation and point the NANC to the Wireless Number Portability Report. The conclusion is the same, i.e. all MSCs supporting roamers must have LNP software to process both the MDN and the MSID or MIN. Roaming partners must also use MSID based roaming tables and use CIBER X2 billing records.h
4.) National Operations Team
Possible subteams of the the National team are:
Service Assurance
Customer Service
Porting Center
ACTION ITEM: WNPSC will draft a charter and scope of operations team for November meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Determine if several carriers can co-host at a hotel location the end of January 2001.
5.) Wireless Progress Monitoring
The following lists some of the critical path LNP implementation tasks that could be used to monitor wireless industry progress.
a.) NPAC Cetification
b.) Inter-carrier Testing
c.) Monitor the grandfathering of MBIs
6.) Wireless Demand Model
The WNPSC developed a new demand model using the west coast region data. Before presenting their findings to the LNPAWG they need to look at NE region data to determine which region is the worst case.
ACTION ITEM: The WNPSC will present findings to the LNPAWG in November. Once computations are approved by the LNPAWG the data will be submitted to the LLC Exhibit N subcommittee.
7.) NNPO report
Sunday porting was discussed. The NNPO has an action item for members to research with their companies what would be required to staff up for Sunday porting.
ACTION ITEM: Request that Neustar present a tutorial on timers and how tunables for business days and hours works at the November meeting. Then the WNPSC will research the need to add Sunday porting so that timers will work on that day for wireless to wireless porting. The WNPSC will also ask what percent of their activations takes place on Sunday. Perhaps there will be another day of the week or evening where their will be less forecasted porting activity.
The FRS the tunable for long days is set at Monday through Saturday. However, the range is Sunday through Saturday. Given that the specific requirement in FRS is for Monday through Saturday, the contractual requirements involved must be determined.
8.) Updates
The committee will come out with a statement that vendors take into account the wireless MIN/MDN separation in their development of Phase I and Phase II requirements. NENA position on the mixed service is that it is an existing condition that cannot be readily changed.
9.) Work Plan Matrix
Given that all the items on the WNPSC Status Report matrix are complete or in monitor mode, other work items for the subcommittee were requested. The list is as follows:
National Ops Team
Wireless Demand model for Exhibit N
WNP Progress monitoring
10.) New Business
Extended NPAC Business Hours
NAMPAM requests that WNPSC attend November meeting to answer questions about request for extended NAPC business hours.
Change Orders
Do we need to concern ourselves with NPAC ability to handle increased porting requests and still meet the 2 hour wireless interval.
ACTION ITEM: Request Neustar to attend our Monday afternoon meeting in November to discuss issues stated in minutes. WNPSC will also ask for time on Slow Horse agenda and WNPSC should attend the Slow Horse Subcommittee.
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