LNPA-WG Slow Horse Subcommittee Meeting
10-12-99 @ Kansas City
DRAFT minutes, issued 10-14-99


? - Andrew Destarats*
AT&T - Beth Watkins, H.L. Gowda
Bell Atlantic - Gary Sacra
BellSouth - Ron Steen
Canadian Consortium - Marian Hearn
CIS - David Heath*, Marcel Champagne
ESI - Ron Stutheit*, Mike Panis, Jim Rooks
GTE - Bob Angevine
Illuminet - Maggie Lee
MCI WorldCom - Denise Best*, Steve Addicks
Nextlink - Shelly Shaw
SBC - Charles Ryburn, Donna Navickas [Ameritech]
Sprint - Dave Gardner
Telcordia - John Malyar
Tekelec - Colleen Collard*
USWest - Tommy Thompson

* by conference bridge


In response to our subcommittee's request last month, Lockheed
investigated a sample of broadcast failures to determine
their root cause.

25 failures selected at random across the country, involving
12 service providers, were investigated. For three, the
cause could not be determined. For the remaining 22
broadcast failures, all were due to the LSMS application
being down, i.e., due to LSMS unavailability. Unknown
whether the cases involved planned maintenance situations,
or LSMS failures.


Lockheed reported that it still is discussing internally
whether to allow public release of peaking data requested by
Northeast LLC on behalf of our subcommittee. Without the
data, it is unclear how a performance requirement can be

We briefly discussed the Bell Atlantic LSMS architecture --
two live LSMSs, one primary, one backup -- an arrangement
which allows LSMS maintenance with no adverse impact on
receipt of NPAC broadcasts and timely updates to call
routing databases. Bell Atlantic wanted to be sure that
broadcast failures to them would not be "counted" as long as
one of their LSMSs was able to accept the broadcasts.

Nextlink is proposing, through the PIM process, that there
be formal adoption of the industry "LNP quiet period" --
currently the 6-hour Sunday morning maintenance windows
adopted last year at NPAC cross-regional users meeting --
which then can be referenced in the LSMS availability
requirement. The "LNP quiet period" would not be counted in
calculating percent LSMS availability each month.

There seems to be acceptance that NPAC is appropriate place
to measure LSMS availability and to prepare reports on it.
But there was concern expressed about including as LSMS
down-time those intervals when LSMS is trying to bind but
NPAC is not permitting it. That is, no LSMS heartbeat
observed by NPAC, yet LSMS is not dead.

The draft LSMS performance and availability requirements
will be revised to reflect today's discussion and reissued
for further discussion at November's Slow Horse
Subcommittee's meeting.


* We still await Lockheed agreement to release peak broadcast
data for our subcommittee's use in developing LSMS performance

* We expect to be able to complete the LSMS requirements
work before NANC's April 2000 meeting.


The LNPA-WG Slow Horse Subcommittee will next meet November
9th in San Antonio.

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