LNPA-WG Slow Horse Subcommittee
Conference Call held January 6, 2000
DRAFT 2  issued 2000-01-18

This conference call was held today because there will be no Slow Horse subcommittee meeting
next week at the LNPA-WG's January meeting at Las Vegas.  Cancellation of
the LNPA-WG Slow Horse.
This is being done to allow more time for the LNPA-WG's continued review of Release 4 change orders.

The following companies were represented on today's call.

Representing NPAC
Neustar - Marcel Champagne, Gene Johnston, Brent Struthers

Representing LSMS-only vendors
Tekelec - Colleen Collard

Representing SOA/LSMS vendors
AT&T - Beth Watkins
DSET - Barbara Wilson
ESI - Ronald Stutheit
Telcordia - John Malyar

Representing Service Bureaus
Illuminet - Maggie Lee

Representing Service Providers
AT&T - H.L. Gowda, Beth Watkins
 Bell Atlantic - Gary Sacra
 BellSouth - Ron Steen, Ron Grob
 Electric Lightwave - Dennis Robins
GTE - Bob Angevine
MCI WorldCom - Steve Addicks
 Nextlink - Shelly Shaw
 Sprint - Dave Garner
SBC - Donna Navickas, Charles Ryburn
USWest - Tommy Thompson

* Status of SOW 17 (Northeast LLC request for NPAC broadcast data).

John Malyar was concerned that questions 4 and 5 did not
create information needed to develop the peak LSMS performance requirement.

Action: Interested parties to e-mail proposed the
question(s) to me in time to present to NAPM LLC at its January 25th meeting. 
Steve Addicks will send excerpt from SOW 17 to the slow horse participants which
shows the questions asked and the Neustar clarifications of the questions.

* Status of proposed change to NPAC's 3x5 broadcast abort timer.

One SOA vendor felt that increasing the delay period would
be very helpful. Bell Atlantic, AT&T, Telcordia felt that no (application level) retries are
necessary and, instead, rather the interval should be increased.  SBC
felt that one retry should be attempted.  Most agreed (GTE did not) that the
interval should be increased.  All agreed that there should be no more than two
attempts, i.e., no more than one retry.  A vote on whether to move to 1 or 2
attempts, both with 15 minute intervals, was 7:2 in favor of the 1x15 setting.
(BellSouth and SBC were the two "nay" votes; SBC agreed with the 1x15 alternative after
further discussion at the LNPA-WG session 1-11-00, however.)

Still to be determined is how to measure impact of this change.

Action: We will propose to LNPA-WG changing the NPAC timer from 3x5 to 1x15.
 With LNPA-WG's concurrence PEs will present to LLCs,
socialize the change at the January NPAC cross-regional meeting, direct NPAC to change
the timer after giving appropriate notice to all NPAC users.

* LSMS "performance" requirement - status, any text revision proposed?

No changes to John Malyar's text proposed October 7, 1999.
However, the peak performance aspect remains to be developed. 
SOW 17 (see above) is required for this item.

* LSMS "availability" requirement - status, text revisions proposed?

 Beth Watkins reviewed the "availability" definition she
prepared January 5, 2000.

 Action: Beth will consider further the impact on
availability measurements of a "bind" problem and the time an LSMS is on line during period
maintenance window and revise the contribution.  Also need to include method to
reflect situations where a SP has multiple LSMSs receiving duplicate broadcasts.

* SOA - are requirements needed?

Perhaps, but there was insufficient time to discuss this item.

* Approval of November Minutes

Minutes of the November 1999 Slow Horse meeting at San
Antonio were approved. 
The minutes were issued as series in draft form, then
revised to reflect comments and reissued as second draft. 
The second draft will stand as the meeting minutes.

* Draft January status report to NANC

1. Agreement reached to try possible short term fix: change NPAC timer from 3x5 to 1x15
2. LSMS availability requirement - progress made
3. LSMS performance requirement - peak requirement question remains open

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Copyright © 1999 Neustar, Inc.
Last modified: February 03, 2000